LoginTC authentication window doesn't load

If you are running the LoginTC Windows Logon and RDP Connector on a network where outgoing internet traffic is firewalled off, you may encounter an empty window after entering your username and password on the Windows logon screen. If you encounter an empty window, you may need to ensure that Windows can reach:

  • Windows Update Certificate Trust List (ctldl.windowsupdate.com)
  • DigiCert Certificate Authority Certificate Revocation List (crl3.digicert.com, crl4.digicert.com)

Windows Update Certificate Trust List

Before contacting our service (cloud.logintc.com), Windows will attempt to download a certificate trust list (CTL) from the following Windows host: ctldl.windowsupdate.com. Configure your firewall to allow access to ctldl.windowsupdate.com on TCP port 80.

You may also manually download and distribute this CTL to your Windows hosts. See this Microsoft article for more information: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/an-automatic-updater-of-untrusted-certificates-is-available-for-windows-vista-windows-server-2008-windows-7-and-windows-server-2008-r2-117bc163-d9e0-63ad-5a79-e61f38be8b77

DigiCert Certificate Authority Certificate Revocation List

Prior to establishing a TLS connection with our service (cloud.logintc.com), Windows will attempt to download certificate revocation lists (CRLs) from our certificate authority (DigiCert). Ensure that the Windows hosts running the LoginTC Windows Logon and RDP Connector can reach the following hosts on TCP port 80:

  • crl3.digicert.com
  • crl4.digicert.com

DigiCert publishes the following current IP address:


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