Update Thumbprint for LoginTC Remote Desktop Web Access Connector

The certificate thumbprint can be modified in the registry. To view and edit the LoginTC RD Web Access Connector registry values:

1. Connect to your RD Web Access host (where the LoginTC RD Web Access Connector is installed)

2. Run program: regedit

3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Cyphercor -> LoginTC RD Web Access Connector

4. Modify the SSO Certificate Thumbprint registry key

NOTE: Make sure there are no spaces and no hidden characters. When you copy/paste it from the Windows certificate viewer, it inserts some control characters at the beginning and end of the string. You can remove these control characters by pressing DEL and back space keys, and then retyping the first and last characters of the thumbprint

After updating this value, restart IIS by running the following command in PowerShell: iisreset

Also, don't forget to give RDWebAccess service permissions to the new certificate private key. You can do this by following our Appendix B: RDP Cert Permissions: https://www.logintc.com/docs/connectors/rd-web-access.html#appendix-b-rdp-cert-permissions

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