Manage Multiple LoginTC Organizations

How to create and manage multiple LoginTC organizations using the same LoginTC administrator account.

Once your organization has signed a Managed Service Provider (MSP) agreement with Cyphercor, you are able to create multiple accounts. For more information on the MSP Partner program contact us: https://www.logintc.com/about/partners.html

Creating a new LoginTC organization

  1. Log into the LoginTC Admin Panel (https://cloud.logintc.com/panel/login)
  2. Click on the Organization Name (drop down) and select "+ New Organization"

3. Enter a new Organization Name and click Create

You can also invite existing administrators from other LoginTC organizations you manager and add new administrators.

Now when you log in you will be able to select from a list of Organizations. Even once an Organization is selected, you can toggle between your Organizations by selecting the organization name drop down in the top left.

When logging in can select from which organization to manage (can filter by name):

Toggle between organizations using the organization name drop-down (can filter by name):

Each Organization is distinct and has their own:

  1. Billing
  2. Administrators
  3. Customer ID
  4. Api Keys
  5. Users, Domains and Tokens

Administrators can be invited to each organization as required.

This method of handling multiple clients helps isolate each client into their own organization and is popular with our IT service providers.

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