How are users provisioned to use LoginTC?

There are a few ways that users are provisioned:

  • Self-Service: Users can be presented with an option to a LoginTC Admin auto-enrollment module. This module walks the user through registration, installing the app and loading a credential on their smartphone or tablet. Registration is simply a Username and the user email. Administrators can view those users that have registered. This approach is generally recommended for opt-in systems and external web sites with a very large user base.
  • Bulk upload: Administrators can upload their users using a CSV file. They then manage their users with bulk operations and issue activation codes from the appliance. This is not a one-time action. An administrator can bulk upload more than once.
  • Programmatically Provisioning: Using LoginTC REST APIs exposed by the appliance, your IT team can incorporate REST-based instructions to create and update users in LoginTC Admin.
  • Synchronization with User Stores: Tools are included with LoginTC Admin to synchronize once or on an ongoing basis with a user authoritative source: LDAP or MS Active Directory.

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